
Escondido NF

Escondido NF font

This unusual face features letterforms inspired by an Austrian travel poster designed by Johann Süssenbek in the 1930s, and rendered in a bold chiaroscuro manner. In case you’re wondering, Escondido is Spanish for hidden....

Details Details NF

Details Details NF font

Another gem from the Blandford Press Pen and Brush Lettering and Practical Alphabets, this in-your-face typeface features strong geometric elements, delineated in blueprint fashion. A surefire attention-getter. Both versions of the font include the…

Chantilly Lace NF

Chantilly Lace NF font

This little charmer combines an uppercase designed by American lettering artist J. M. Bergling with a lowercase designed by English architect Roland W. Paul. The result has a wiggle in its walk and a...

Bergsland Round

Bergsland Round font

This is a version of the Bergsland Fashion stylized sans serif font family that is very high-waisted and sleek with rounded terminals called Bergsland Round. Round is my favorite out of the group as...


Sultan font

Sultan is a revival and expansion of a 1954 Matrin Kausche typeface called Mosaik. This design highlights the unmistakable Arabic/Moorish calligraphy influence on Celtic lettering, by way of the highly active Andalusian culture from...


Tremble font


Trak font


Stak font


Skrean font


Sharp font