
LOLO Cursive

LOLO Cursive font

LOLO Cursive is sweet & funky lettering written with distinct character. Create a memorable look with this flowering, freehand script. In this font I envisioned a style with a grassroots flavor, yet a fashionista’s...


Tectura font

Tectura is hand drawn letters that come to you from the typefounders. It’s all about those slight-but-telling imperfections that separate hand lettering—which this really is—from machine drawn imperfections. Use it for any work that...


Smash font

Smash is nicely distressed and has cracks, chunks and blobs. Some people think it looks like a crappy FAX or broken typewriter. It is compatible with Overexposed, so you can mix and match letters...


Sez font

Hand-crafted by Richard Starkings in the classic style of Will Eisner’s The Spirit, this free and easy font made its debut in the pages of…The Spirit! Never let it be said that those awfully...


Sentinel font

Common use(s) of Comicraft’s All-new, All-different SENTINEL font include FACTOR-X, X-MAN, GENERATION NEXT and X-CALIBRE. Possible Side Effects: This font should not be used if you are trapped in a world you never made...

Sean Phillips

Sean Phillips font

England’s own Sean Phillips wanted a lettering font to suit his distinctive work with Joe Casey on WILDCATS — and we gave it to him! Of course, the tricky bit was working on Sean’s...

Schools Out

Schools Out font

Originally created for Sound Effects in Marvel’s GHOST RIDER 2099, our spraycan stylish HOOKY font has just the right Scrawl of the Wild for graph-iti enthusiasts everywhere — and they wash right off with...

JLS OverKill

JLS OverKill font

OverKill Bloque was created in 1991 as a banner logo for a gamers fan newsletter, The OVERKILL Casualty Report. As letterforms were built for various headlines, a font took shape. Just for grins I...

Velvet Teen

Velvet Teen font

An art deco style typeface inspired by the poster from the 1971 film, Velvet Vampire. Such a playful font for a horror flick!

Epicerie One & Two SG

Epicerie One & Two SG font

This typeface is derived from capital letters found on an old grocery store sign in southern France. The word épicerie means grocery in French. Epicerie’s personality remains mostly in the past with a few...