

Equate font

An elegant Large and Smallcap design great for magazine and all sophisticated designs.

Ultimate Ornaments

Ultimate Ornaments font

Ultimate Ornaments was inspired by the decorative elements supplied by European type foundries and printing companies in the 18th and 19th centuries. There is an assortment of 47 ornaments all located under the character...

Designers Gothic

Designers Gothic font

Occasionally a designer needs the combination of caps and lower case glyphs for a particular purpose, visually or otherwise. Designer’s Gothic was designed with the Caps equal to the x height.


Chaco font

The idea behind the font called Chaco originated after testing the deficiency shown in road signs in Latin America. The design began after a long documenting period. Throughout the various stages of the work, ...

Tempera Biblio Pro

Tempera Biblio Pro font

Tempera Biblio is a serif text typeface available in three weights: Book A, Book B and Book C.

Tempera Biblio

Tempera Biblio font

Tempera Biblio is a serif text typeface available in three weights: Book A, Book B and Book C.

Times Gothic

Times Gothic font

Based on a revival of one of the popular wooden type fonts of the 19th century, suitable for display, or text.


Aerle font

My first font for 2009 was Aerle. It is a new dark sans serif font in my continuing objective of designing book fonts that I can really use. It made a little ripple in...


OricNeo font

A computerized typeface inspired by the Matrix trilogy.


Paillas font

Paillas is a very elegant and unusual Antiqua typeface I have been working on during the last three years. So far I just have the normal and oblique cuts, but eventually I will design...