

Antrax font

The original Anthrax was drawn using rectangles only, and then subjected to various graphic effects to change their shapes. Its neglected appearance makes it look dangerous. It should be used in technological and modern...

Gringo Sans

Gringo Sans font

Gringo is a type family that contains 27 different varieties. It is divided into three groups: Sans, Slab, and Tuscan = Europe – Texas. Due to its consistant structure, the single groups can be...

Gringo Dingbats

Gringo Dingbats font

Gringo is a type family that contains 27 different varieties. It is divided into three groups: Sans, Slab, and Tuscan = Europe – Texas. Due to its consistant structure, the single groups can be...


Doradani font

Doradani is a sans-serif design inspired by Morris Fuller Benton’s Franklin Gothic, a 1903 classic. It’s a cross between Franklin’s proportions and contemporary open aperture shapes. Doradani comes in five weights and italics. Most...

Smith Premier NF

Smith Premier NF font

In ye olden days, nothing said “personalized business correspondence” like a typewritten letter, and several type foundries cast simulated typewriter fonts so authentic-looking “personal” letters could be mass-produced. This typeface is based on one…

Pomfrit Dandy NF

Pomfrit Dandy NF font

This elegant monocase design is based on a nineteenth-century offering from Britain’s Stephenson Blake Foundry named “Fry’s Ornamented No. 2”. Stylish, witty and debonair, it will add grace and charm to any project. The...


Flexy font

This is a sans serif version of Flexy.


Dogjaw font

Dogjaw uses the OpenType ligature feature to automatically substitute a unique pair of distressed characters when any upper or lower case letter is keyed twice in a row. Dogjaw Pro extends the character set...

Lelet Script

Lelet Script font

Lelet Script is a TrueType font inspired by my mother’s exquisite handwriting. It has a graceful, smooth look that makes it very legible for any project.


Blythe font

Blythe is a stylish and contemporary handwriting font that captures the elegant hand of the 50s with the immediacy of handwriting fonts such as Affable. There are many handwriting fonts out there, many of...