

Scripty font

Scripty is a hand drawn, calligraphy longhand handwritten font. With careful spacing, the letters can be used together to create words that look like theyπve been written with an old≠fashioned fountain pen, or used...

Ribbon Cursive

Ribbon Cursive font

Ribbon Cursive was developed largely from Mercator’s Italic Hand, which originated from Italy, during the Renaissance. Ribbon Cursive is fancy, legible, and luxurious text. Works great if you are designing a logo, or use...

Le Havre Rounded

Le Havre Rounded font

The Le Havre series is a series of geometric sans serifs inspired by the dignified era of the passenger ship, when getting to your destination was a delight in and of itself. Le Havre...


Deliscript font

Although initially inspired by the neon sign in front of Canter’s Delicatessen in Los Angeles, the design of Deliscript Upright and Deliscript Slant soon took on a life of its own–and its own distinctive...


Yacqui font

In designing a font that had a Mayan or Aztec quality to it without the usual “Mariachi” look, I decided to make it single weight with some open ends and offbeat rounded serifs to...


AntiQuasi font


Redemption font

Redemption is inspired by religious doomsday flyers that have been photocopied so many times that they take on a very stressed and jaded look. A look that usually reflects their content quite well!

Price Tag

Price Tag font

Price Tag is a bold, graphic alphabet inspired by labels and vintage price tags. A touch of grunginess makes this alphabet look extra cool in larger sizes.


Paint font

Paint is based on hand painted lettering. The original alphabet was brushed in black ink on rough paper, so the resulting alphabet looks a little sketchy.


Journal font