

Bollard font

Bollard is a smooth and cuddly font, with the ability to make any title look instantaneously fun and fresh. Features lower case and numerals.

Anzeigen Grotesk

Anzeigen Grotesk font

Skin Deep BB

Skin Deep BB font

“Skin Deep BB” is a quirky script typeface family inspired by modern tattooing! It comes with a companion font called, “Skin Deep Swashes BB” that has a set of lowercase letters with decorative swashes...

ASV Codar

ASV Codar font

ASV Codar is a modern Arabic text typeface with two weights: ASV Codar Light and ASV Codar Bold. Both of the fonts include Latin glyphs (Palatino Roman and Palatino Bold), allowing a single font...


Amer font

Amer was originally designed for dry transfer and redrawn and digitized by Adrian Williams. Amer is a modern Arabic headline face, which includes Latin glyphs from Kabel Book, allowing users to set text in...


Ambigue font

The original name for Ambigue was “Confidence”. This font family received the first prize at the German Kurt Christians-Foerderpreis in 1997/98. Its interpolated weights offer a subtle differentiation in the grey levels. A special...


Delicate font

La plupart des fontes “script” tentent de reproduire l’écriture humaine et se heurtent au problème suivant: la lettre tracée à la main n’a pas la méme forme suivant la lettre qui la précède ou...

Sebastian Pro

Sebastian Pro font

Sans-serif typefaces compensate for their basic handicap – an absence of serifs – with a softening modulation typical of roman typefaces. Grotesques often inherit a hypertrophy of the x-height, which is very efficient, but...


Pondera font

I Am A Bird

I Am A Bird font

I Am a Bird is a slab serif with some unexpected curves. Comes complete with italics, old style numerals, tabular numerals, logic and math symbols, Greek characters, and lots of accented glyphs. Performs particularly...