
Just Square

Just Square font

Zoran Kostik began designing the Just Square font family in 1999, based on a logo that his son, an art student, had designed. The design project grew until Kostic had designed eight weights, for...


Jalal font

Jalal is a modern Arabic text typeface with two weights: Jalal Light and Jalal Bold. Both of the fonts ship in the OpenType format, and include Latin glyphs (from Optima Demi Bold and Optima...


Index font

Index is a sans serif font which gives an impression of both movement and harmony. The soft, round forms of this font give it an almost ornamental feel. The influence of American advertisement and...

Lemon Twist

Lemon Twist font

Modern and bold, LemonTwist gives your designs a little zest of fresh feeling…


Abrect font

My first font for the summer of 2009, Abrect is a new sans serif font where I try to maximize the x-height and keep the design fresh and personal. It fits in with my...


Imperio font

Imperio is a font inspired by old posters, especially those related to constructivism and futurism. It reflects both the rationalism of Bauhaus as a propagandist and revolutionary spirit of an era. On the other...


Safran font

Besides all the display and script typefaces I design, my real passion is to design typefaces for copy. Safran is the first of my sans serif workhorse families available from Myfonts. Starting from a...

Kidela Sketch

Kidela Sketch font

Kidela Sketch is an energetic and eccentric serif typeface rendered in a sketchy style. The typeface includes 64 auto-replacing discretionary ligatures to extend the natural sketched look, oldstyle figures and small caps. Please see...


Buckboard font

The Buckboard family uses the OpenType ligature feature to substitute a unique pair of distressed characters when any upper or lower case letter is keyed twice in a row. The Buckboard Shadow font can...

Broadgauge Ornate

Broadgauge Ornate font

Broadgauge Ornate originated from MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan in 1869 and was only available as an all caps font with numbers. Today this old beautiful wood type rises again from the archives complete with...