

Bucks font

The idea was to create a legible font based on graffiti (wide tip marker) hand styles. Special attention to tight spacing, stylish caps & alternate drips bring an authentic street aesthetic into any layout...


Simpel font

This font was made during testing of a neat little application, that traced hand-written letters on the fly. That application was later abandoned, and the font, named Simpel for it’s obvious casual simplicity, was...

Fran Hand

Fran Hand font

The “Architect’s Font” for Everyone! Having taught Mechanical Drawing – BC (before computers), I have always wanted to digitize my every day lettering as I have previously done with my calligraphic lettering. Based on...

Display Dots Two Serif

Display Dots Two Serif font

Display Dots Two Serif is a display font not intended for text use. It, along with its sans counterpart were designed specifically for display, headline, logotype, branding, and similar applications. Display Dots Two Serif...


Children font


Cabourg font


Buxus font

Bauer House

Bauer House font

Aspirin Advance

Aspirin Advance font

Display Dots Two Sans

Display Dots Two Sans font

Display Dots Two Sans is a display font not intended for text use. It, along with its serif counterpart were designed specifically for display, headline, logotype, branding, and similar applications. Display Dots Two Sans...