
Delargo DT Rounded

Delargo DT Rounded font

This design is based on DelargoDT, the popular humanist sans from DTP Types Limited.


Salt font

Salt was first conceived as an authentic alphabet of runes, but that was far too serious so it ended up as a lesser spotted version of Pepper.


Pepper font

Pepper was first conceived as an authentic alphabet of runes, but that was far too serious so it ended up as a greater spotted version of Salt.


Mayan font

Designed for a role-playing scenario, this alphabet was fun to create and fun to ‘translate’ when incorporated into replica stelae.


Kanjur font

Kanjur was inspired by a page from an 18th century Buddhist book. Used for block text at first glance it has a very striking resemblance to Asian lettering. It is an English reading caps...

Bellas Artes

Bellas Artes font

Bellas Artes is what happens when the brush of Angel Koziupa and the technical expertise of Alejandro Paul go face to face with the Art Deco aesthetic. The recognizable Koziupa curves become players of...


Tengu font

Tengu is a multiline display typeface digitised and expanded from Gustavo Pardo Sarmiento Tangui (1973). An intricate wirelike framework creates an elegant yet futuristic font ideal for apparel, books, t-shirts and posters. The font...

Lectori Salutem Sans

Lectori Salutem Sans font

Is it royal, or is it dandyish? Either way it’s sure to catch the eye. Prepare for titling figures any movie executive would be jealous of using. Do you write sci-fi, fantasy, costume, or...

Lectori Salutem

Lectori Salutem font

Is it royal, or is it dandyish? Either way it’s sure to catch the eye. Prepare for titling figures any movie executive would be jealous of using. Do you write sci-fi, fantasy, costume, or...


Tatooyn font