
Vato Land

Vato Land font


Skammefy font

Skammefy holds a detailed set of letters, that are intended to be both readable when small – and charismatic when large. Strong details of letters like e, a, g, f, y draws attention to...


Ahoura font

The Ahoura font family, designed by Naghi Naghashian, was developed considering specific research and analysis on Arabic characters and definition of their structure. The Ahoura innovation is a contribution to modernisation of Arabic typography…

Delight Script

Delight Script font

Delight Script is a fresh and original Angel Koziupa design that takes its cue from post-WWII advertising scripts. Casual, bouncy and playful, this upright script is built and engineered by Alejandro Paul with tons...

Mermaid NY

Mermaid NY font

MermaidNY font was created from an illustration I did in college for a NYC restaurant. The combination of sea and city come together and are represented with my illustrations of mermaids and urban buildings....


XCLV Neon font

Font created for Neon signs of Kyiv City.


Tactical font

Tactical is nothing more than a testosterone-laced typeface. Rigid, mechanical and unforgiving. Originally conceived in 2007 while I was working through the early sketches of Ginza, Tactical features hard 45-degree angles and the presence...


WEALD font


Swagg font

Swagg is a unique and friendly sans that looks great at any size. Originally starting as a branding project, Swagg is now a full fledged family with 5 weights. Swagg is loaded with goodies...


Aerodynamik font

Aerodynamic is a typeface inspired by movement, speed. More than 50 ligatures available.