

Vividangelo font

Vividangelo is designed after the handwriting of a real person. I saw it on the pricetags in a small shop and convinced the person to have her handwriting converted into a font. She is...


Coleface font

Coleface was created by the British typographer Roy Cole, completed shortly before his death in 2012. It comprises six fonts: Coleface 30, 60, 90 and the italics 33, 66, 99. As with his earlier...

Egregio Script

Egregio Script font

We at Fontscafe are forever trying to work on conniving up typography that will blend itself into your work space in a manner that will make you wonder how you ever managed without it…and...

Rolling Pen

Rolling Pen font

After doing this for so many years, one would think my fascination with the old history of writing would have mellowed out by now. The truth is that alongside being a calligraphy history buff,...

Cal Bakerly

Cal Bakerly font

Cal Bakerly is part of the calligraphic group of fonts called “21 alphabets for Calligraphers“. All graphemes are taken from calligraphic pages written in Arthur Baker’s calligraphic style. This font is ideal for calligraphic...

Le Havre Titling

Le Havre Titling font

Throughout time, history’s architects have incorporated some of the finest illustrations of type into their great works–cuneiform on Mesopotamian ziggurats; Greek etched into the temples of the gods; inscriptions marking the monuments of mighty…


theLUXX font

The Luxx font was born in 2010 and in the 2013 has been redesigned. Luxx is based on a style of lettering often seen on Italian art deco posters and advertising of the 1930s....

Leto Two

Leto Two font


Numina font

Numina is an elegant, dignified, highly condensed modern display family comprising two complementary faces. Numina Glory capitalizes on the family�s strong, relentless vertical texture, eschewing diagonals in favor of robust pillars, whereas Numina…

Woodlawn JNL

Woodlawn JNL font

Woodlawn JNL is based on an open face wood type. A bold outline sans, this design is excellent for headline and titling applications.