

Garda font


Davanti font


Popvlvs font


Sator font


Hashtag font

Hashtag is a type family of four types.The font contains over 360 carefully hand-crafted glyphs. Very elegant and gentle in big sizes but is very legible in smaller sizes and longer texts – in...

Filmotype Hemlock

Filmotype Hemlock font

Introduced by Filmotype in the early- to mid-1950s, Filmotype Hemlock owes its origins to classic sign painter sho-card lettering popular in the late 1940s through the 1950s. This thick upright script was among Filmotype’s...

Filmotype Melon

Filmotype Melon font

Originally released in the late 1950s, Filmotype expanded it’s Free Style typeface category with the introduction of Melody, an offbeat Googie era doo-wop typeface which was most frequently associated with music and entertainment lettering...

Filmotype Melody

Filmotype Melody font

Originally released in the late 1950s, Filmotype expanded it’s Free Style typeface category with the introduction of Melody, an offbeat Googie era doo-wop typeface which was most frequently associated with music and entertainment lettering...

Filmotype Mellow

Filmotype Mellow font

Originally released in the late 1950s, Filmotype expanded it’s Free Style typeface category with the introduction of Melody, an offbeat Googie era doo-wop typeface which was most frequently associated with music and entertainment lettering...


ChefScript font

Chef Script is an experimental font designed by Carlos Fabian Camargo G. Its fantasy design contains 1463 glyphs to compose words, phrases and short messages on small and large sizes. The idea was born...