
Essay Text

Essay Text font

Essay is an elegant serif typeface intended for setting books, with many stylistic alternates and other typographic goodies, designed by Stefan Ellmer. It is a highly legible text face with a natural flow of...

Embossing Seals JNL

Embossing Seals JNL font

Twenty-Six various styles of document seals comprise Embossing Seals JNL. With a little imagination any plain document can take on an “official” look by adding text and a few special effects to the finished...

Typesetter Treasures JNL

Typesetter Treasures JNL font

Cartoon cuts, sales builders, catchwords, mortised cuts, decorative embellishments and stock art are what comprise the images found within Typesetter Treasures JNL. Redrawn from vintage sources, these nostalgic illustrations add warmth and charm to…

Stencil Box JNL

Stencil Box JNL font

The lettering for Stencil Box JNL was found on the packaging of a children’s toy stencil set circa the 1940s. Popular for years, Pencil Stencils were a series of “connect the line” stencils where...

Bluesman JNL

Bluesman JNL font

The classic blues album “I’m Jimmy Reed” released on the legendary Vee-Jay label out of Chicago featured title lettering in a bouncy, fun, casual take on the classic Latin Wide style of alphabet. Bluesman...

Matchbook JNL

Matchbook JNL font

The hand lettering which inspired Matchbook JNL was used on an old matchbook from the Carrousel Restaurant in Miami Beach.

Upscale JNL

Upscale JNL font

A page from an “ideas booklet” that was copyrighted in 1939 by the Sanford Ink Company displayed a hand lettered variation on the counter-less [or solid] alphabet that so typified the Art Deco style...

Unpretentious JNL

Unpretentious JNL font

Simple, unassuming, yet fully functional in all sign, poster and headline applications is Unpretentious JNL and its oblique counterpart. Where plain, bold titling is necessary, this typeface will draw attention to the message with...

Typesetter Trinkets JNL

Typesetter Trinkets JNL font

Typesetter Trinkets JNL adds more classic typographic gems to the Jeff Levine Fonts library. Re-drawn from vintage source material, the font has numerous cartoons, pointing hands, embellishments and stock printer’s cuts for a myriad...

Sagebrush JNL

Sagebrush JNL font

Sagebrush JNL was modeled from examples of a vintage French Clarendon wood type in which many of the characters had rounded parts rather than the traditional all-slab serif approach.