
Gmuender Antiqua Pro

Gmuender Antiqua Pro font

Inspired by the former hot-metal fonts of Imprimatur, Gmuender Antiqua Pro is a fresh designed versatile and multilingual serif font family. All five styles contain three different forms of numbers and small caps.


Innuendo font

Innuendo, despite its name, is a straightforward font. It is an all caps, hand-drawn typeface with an elegant look and some cheeky curls. Upper and lower case differ and like to mingle. Comes with...


Tip font

New, slightly calligraphic sans family with seven weights, Roman and Italic, all with Old Style Numerals and Small Caps, for both headlines and body text use.


Burford font

Burford is a font family that I sketched while traveling through Europe. I was mesmerized by all the unique typography that was showcased throughout the five countries I visited. Inspired by all that I...

Nova Caere

Nova Caere font

Nova Caere is a typical urban calligraphy, gestural with its fast lines, with short and slightly noticeable ascender and descender traits. Condensed lower case and rounded capital letters are quite similar in height. Nova...

Ciutadella Rounded

Ciutadella Rounded font

Ciutadella Rounded is not only a font with soft corners, it has a real rounded terminal across all the weights. It was a challenge to achieve a rounded effect in close counters characters, especially...

Nanami Pro

Nanami Pro font

Nanami Pro is the heavily engineered follow up to the hugely successful Nanami and Nanami Rounded font families. Nanami Pro contains all the wonder of the original Nanami families, but with vastly extended language...

Sharky Spot

Sharky Spot font


Aorta font

Aorta was designed for independent subcultural zine. It have stencil in place of lower-case and digit stencil in place of old style digit. Aorta good for headlines, posters, editorial design… Aorta have condensed proportion...

Moho FX Shadow Pro

Moho FX Shadow Pro font

A display font collection for fantasy headlines within the concept of Moho Condensed based in letters with shadows as Moho Umbra Regular and Italic, or simple shadow effect as Moho Shadow Regular and Italic,...