

Signpost font

The name says it all. Signpost is a display font purpose-designed for directional, informational and publicity signage, as well as posters, public notices and advertisments. It comes complete with a choice of ‘pointing hands’...


Sirucanorm font

Sirucanorm™ is the no-stencil version of the previous Siruca™. Designed using golden ratio formulas, it’s inspired to DIN and Isonorm typeface.

Front Page Pro

Front Page Pro font

A heavy slab face for many applications.


HiFive font

Tita Script

Tita Script font

Tita is dedicated to my grandmother Hebe, witty and arrabalera 1. The font is inspired by Milonga 2 music and the fileteado porteño 3. I picture it at The Moulin Rouge, sparkling, provocative, loving....


Khatt font

Khatt tries to mimic the concept behind the meaning of the Arabic word Khatt: a straight horizontal line. The word Khatt is also the word for calligraphy in the Arabic language. Even though Khatt...

Side A

Side A font

Side A – Bauhaus-inspired Experimental and spiky type in 3 sizes (1 – 1/2 – 1/3), designed by Benoît Bodhuin (An ideal use could be: Side A unit in 48 pt, half in 24...

Metric Navy PRO

Metric Navy PRO font

Metric Navy PRO is a lightweight monoline developed for short texts and loose phrases in versions: thin, light, normal, regular, bold and black.

Citarella Gothic

Citarella Gothic font

In seeking a strong, utilitarian gothic alternative for Helvetica, we’re left with few options for unobtrusive functionalism. As such, we decided to create the Citarella Gothic family. The ligatures are characteristic of the signage...

Saya Serif FY

Saya Serif FY font

Here comes the serif! After her big sisters version, Saya Sans and Saya Semi Sans, meet Saya Serif! With its lightly condensed letterforms and its elegant sharped serifs, this font family is both suitable...