
Solitude JNL

Solitude JNL font

A piece of vintage sheet music with the hand lettered title “Solitude” is the namesake and inspiration for Solitude JNL. Purely Art Deco in its typographic curves and angles of the period, this typeface...

Lisboa Swash

Lisboa Swash font

Lisboa Swash is a display humanist sans-serif typeface and it was designed for big sizes purposes. The uppercase letterforms are much more decorative than the lowercase, but both contain hook-head terminals and few contrast....


Atelas font

Bold, soft and clean script typeface.

Plates Napery

Plates Napery font

Thin and elegant typeface design, with several alternate glyphs.

Lichtspielhaus Slab

Lichtspielhaus Slab font

Lichtspielhaus Slab is an ultra condensed handwritten typeface based on Lichtspielhaus. It still transports you back to a time where neon lights and marquee letters decorated cinema facades. This time with Slab. There are...


Akhand font

Akhand is a family of eight fonts for display applications. Featuring condensed straight-sided letterforms, Akhand is a virtually mono-linear sans serif. The design of the face is based on a modular structure, but not...


Caravel font

Caravel is a Latin grotesk sans typeface family. An original contribution to a well-known style, Caravel distinguishes itself from similar typefaces by adding in extra character where it can; several lowercase letters and non-alphabetic...


Mute font

Mute is a humanist sans typeface family developed for User interface (UI) designs. Its letters have low stroke-contrast and terminals that end on the horizontal or the vertical, making its apertures open and the...


Scribbler font

Scribbler, like Double Quick (another one of my fonts), is a handwritten typeface, designed to look like a quick grocery list, a hasty ‘I Love You’ note penned down on a Post-it or a...

Auberge Script

Auberge Script font

It took me a long time, but I think I now understand why people of my generation and older feel the need to frame current events in an historical context or precedents, while most...