
Chamferwood JNL

Chamferwood JNL font

Chamferwood JNL is another interpretation of the block lettering style most popular during the late 1800s and the early 1900s. The design was modeled from examples from a set of wood type.

Double Line Deco JNL

Double Line Deco JNL font

Take a classic hand lettered Art Deco alphabet, add in a treatment of dual straight vertical lines and the resulting typeface is Double Line Deco JNL.

Nouveau Roundcorner JNL

Nouveau Roundcorner JNL font

1920s sheet music for the song “You Can’t Get Away From It” provided the hand lettered title which acted as the basis for Nouveau Roundcorner JNL. A square letter form with rounded terminals, this...

Print Shop Treasures JNL

Print Shop Treasures JNL font

Print Shop Treasures JNL is another fun collection of nostalgic cartoons, stock cuts, corner pieces, embellishments, sales helpers and miscellany; all carefully re-drawn from examples of vintage letterpress pieces.

Uptown Line JNL

Uptown Line JNL font

Ask any typical New Yorker about subway directions and they’ll tell you to take the “uptown line”, “downtown line” or “cross-town line”. Uptown Line JNL is yet another variation of the Art Deco monoline...

Bum Steer JNL

Bum Steer JNL font

In older American slang, a “bum steer” is a bad tip, some bad advice or being sent in the wrong direction (to name a few examples). Bum Steer JNL was modeled from some playful...

Print Shop Delights JNL

Print Shop Delights JNL font

Print Shop Delights JNL is another assortment of vintage letterpress cuts of cartoons, decorations, embellishments, border pieces and attention getters.

Quick Response JNL

Quick Response JNL font

Quick Response JNL is a technology-inspired set of novelty letters (A to Z only) emulating the digital “quick response codes” used for storing data retrievable by today’s smart phones.

Service Men JNL

Service Men JNL font

Service Men JNL is a collection of twenty-six service industry-related messages carried by a courier. Each image is offered facing left and facing right. A blank message panel is available on both the period...


Nordikka font

Nordikka is a 10-style sans-serif simple pure typeface designed by Luciano Vergara. Nordikka is a condensed font with a large x-height and straight terminals well-suited for headlines and short texts. A good option for...