font_category: decorative


Changua font

Christmas Tuscan

Christmas Tuscan font

Christmas Tuscan is a simple modular Tuscan. Please note it’s only upper case and numerals. I hope you will consider it my Christmas gift to you, despite the commerce involved (there’s something of the...

1470 Sorbonne

1470 Sorbonne font

This family was created inspired from the first font carved and cast in France, for the Sorbonne University’s printing workshop (Paris). The characters were drawn by Jean Heynlin, rector of the university – inspired...


Transmogrifier font

Inspired on Cuban posters by the talented and prolific graphic artist Eduardo Muñoz Bachs, Transmogrifier was hand painted with a thin brush, using loose, fast strokes. This font is packed with lots of contextual...

The French

The French font


Arbitrary font


Thorowgood font

Fatquad 4F

Fatquad 4F font


Fractal font

Fractal is a font whose Hausdorff-Besicovitch dimension is greater than its typographic dimension. Big is better. To be used at display sizes larger than 200pts.

Star Crystals

Star Crystals font

Star bright tonight! Deniart’s StarCrystals typeface is an original design featuring 62 unique snowflake symbols. These geometric starburst snow crystals are sure to add elegance to all your winter designs. This font comes with...