font_category: Garalde

Monotype Sabon

Monotype Sabon font

Bergsland Pro

Bergsland Pro font

This new OpenType pro family has four members so far with 588 characters and glyphs each. It is a redrawing of Diaconia Old Style, which has been worked hard and found to be very...


Poliphilus font

News Plantin

News Plantin font

Monotype Goudy

Monotype Goudy font

Monotype Garamond

Monotype Garamond font

Monotype Garamond is based on roman types cut by Jean Jannon in 1615. Jannon followed the designs of Claude Garamond which had been cut in the previous century. Garamond’s types were in turn, based...


Calisto font


Andulka font

A universal typeface for books, magazines and newspapers must be economizing, quiet, strong in drawing, but original and peaceful at the same time. Type “for all weather” must resist also many difficulties of printing...

Bembo Titling

Bembo Titling font