font_category: Garalde

Berstrom DT

Berstrom DT font

This design is based on custom design work by DTP Types Limited in 1990 with associated Small Capitals and Old Style Figures.


Meno font

Richard Lipton designed this spirited oldstyle for Font Bureau; the romans gain their energy from French baroque forms cut late in the sixteenth century by Robert Granjon, the italics from Dirk Voskens’ work in...

Caslon Old Face

Caslon Old Face font

William Caslon established the first major English typefoundry, re-creating earlier Dutch designs with excellent craftsmanship, color and rhythm. Caslon Old Face is one of many faithful revivals; the original matrices (from many hands; the...


Laricio font

Laricio is the italian name of the larch tree. This typeface has naturalist and renaissance connotations. The design of the stems is organic. The general feeling is slightly prickling like the foliage of conifers....

Iowan Old Style BT

Iowan Old Style BT font

Iowan Old Style was designed for Bitstream in 1990 by noted sign painter John Downer. Iowan Old Style is a hardy contemporary text design modeled after earlier revivals of Jenson and Griffo typefaces but...

Garamond No. 3

Garamond No. 3 font

Eighty years ago the mannered work of the seventeenth century protestant punchcutter, Jean Jannon of Sedan, was confused with that of Claude Garamond and was widely copied as his. This version, designed for American...

Arrus BT

Arrus BT font

Arrus was designed at Bitstream by Richard Lipton and first released in 1991. Arrus is based on Lipton’s own hand-lettered calligraphic alphabets that draw their influence from classic inscriptional forms. Arrus has small cap...

URW Palladio

URW Palladio font