font_category: Script

Murray Hill

Murray Hill font

An original informal script designed for ATF by Emil Klump.


Liberty font

Based on Lucien Bernhard’s idiosyncratic Schoenschrift, Liberty was designed for ATF two years later, in 1927, by W.T. Sniffin.

Lapidary 333

Lapidary 333 font


Impress font


Impuls font

A vigorous brush design by Paul Zimmermann for Wagner in 1954.

CA Spy Royal

CA Spy Royal font

Spy Royal is a junctionless script typeface and comes in 6 styles. It’s a hybrid between script and so called streamline fonts. The origins are based on an advertising by Japan Airlines, dated around...

Freehand 521

Freehand 521 font

Freehand 575

Freehand 575 font

Freehand 591

Freehand 591 font

Flemish Script

Flemish Script font

An ornate roundhand with looped ascenders and strongly flourished capitals prepared at Photon for their phototypesetters about 1960.