font_foundry: Autographis

Fat Sally

Fat Sally font

FatSally is written with a broad felt-tip marker, scanned and finished by hand on screen, taking care to emphasize the typical “marker” feeling.


Astria font

Astria is a swinging script, that works best in short headlines or as a decorative Element. I like it when the lines overlap, with letters flowing into each other.


Chloe font

Chloe is a very dramatic script with high contrast between the up- and down-strokes. It is not really useful for long copy, but very good at short captions or as a decorative part of...


Bea font

Bea is my Racetrack-Script. I call it that, because it gives the impression of speed. No lingering around with this font. Zaaanggggg!!!


Verena font

Verena was written with a common felt marker pen, scanned and worked over, to keep just the right amount of roughness. The result is a very readable and usable handwritten font.


Doria font

Doria was developed from my handwritten script Xan that has a definite Japanese touch. By making Doria really slick it became a font that is perfect to be used on labels and for many...

Cheap Thrill

Cheap Thrill font

CheapThrill is a very elegant and expressive script in the tradition of the 70s with a touch of flower power.

Viva Maria

Viva Maria font

Viva Maria could have been used for that famous, hilarious movie by Louis Malle staring Brigitte Bardot and Jeanne Moreau. Maybe in a remake someone will use this very lively script in the credits...


WildThing font

WildThing is just that, a script that has a real wild character.


TrueLove font

TrueLove is my script for those occasions when you want to show someone that you really love him or her, when what you have to say really comes deeply from your heart.