font_foundry: Intellecta Design

American Advertise 009

American Advertise 009 font

from american wood type heritage

Allerlei Zierat

Allerlei Zierat font

Ornaments family with four different sets plus a decorative capitals font from the rare, valuable and amazing Allerlei Zierat book from Schelter & Gieseck (1902). A research and free interpretation by Intellecta Design. This...


Tharagaverung font

a vintage font, based in wood type samples


Titivilus font

a creepy font

Wire Clip

Wire Clip font

a naive fancy font inspired in metal paperclips


Xyla font

Xyla is a tuscan/blackletter mixed font style.

Remington Weather

Remington Weather font

a mimic typewriter classic font


Correo font

Divina Proportione

Divina Proportione font

Kidnapped At Old Times

Kidnapped At Old Times font

Kidnapped at Old Times, by Intellecta Design, is a collection of 35 fonts (and growing) of some of the most decorative caps we have ever carried. Decorative caps can capture the attention of anyone...