font_foundry: Intellecta Design


Ogden font

Note: Only the regular style in this font family is currently available due the complexity and the resulting memory and performance issues associated with the other styles.

Olivetti Typewriter

Olivetti Typewriter font

A typewriter font design, great for mimicking the sloppy ink effect of older machines.

Hostetler Kapitalen

Hostetler Kapitalen font

a mixed gothic font


Fridha font

Note: The Shadow style is no longer available due its complexity and the resulting memory and performance issues.

Calligraphia Latina Soft 2

Calligraphia Latina Soft 2 font

One of the most successful ornament fonts is CalligraphiaLatina. It is part of a trend that’s been quite popular lately: messed-up calligraphy. CalligraphiaLatina is a worldwide best-seller from IntellectaDesign.. Besides the original…


Chyrllene font

a whimsical fancy font


Clea font


Basilissa font

Allerlei Zierat

Allerlei Zierat font

Ornaments family with four different sets plus a decorative capitals font from the rare, valuable and amazing Allerlei Zierat book from Schelter & Gieseck (1902). A research and free interpretation by Intellecta Design. This...