font_foundry: Intellecta Design

Frompac 1889 Arabesque

Frompac 1889 Arabesque font

The font here used is the Intellecta’s Frompac joined and art worked with the classical arabesques published in the Ludwig Petzendorfer’s Schriften-Atlas. Eine Sammlung der wichtigsten Schreib- und Druckschriften aus alter und neuer Zeit...

Gans Gotico Globo

Gans Gotico Globo font

See also other font families inspired by Gans’ original typefaces: Gans Tipo Adorno, Gans Lath Modern, Gans Titular Adornada, Gans Ibarra, Gans Antigua, Gans Antigua Manuscrito, Gans Fulgor, Gans Radio Lumina, Gans Carmem Adornada,...

Gotische Calligraphic

Gotische Calligraphic font

a grunge gothc font

GP Casual Script

GP Casual Script font

a handwrite naive font

GP Leonardo

GP Leonardo font

a extensive family of naive brush typeface font…

Figgins Brute

Figgins Brute font

“A capital titling face with numerals, erroneously labelled in Figgins specimen book of 1817 as an ‘antique’ or roman. With a very bold, nearly monoline construction and squared serifs as thick as the main...

Fin Fraktur

Fin Fraktur font

a rough and naive fraktur font

Decorative Tuscanian

Decorative Tuscanian font

a drop caps joining a barocque frame plus tuscanian caps

Erased Remington

Erased Remington font

Fat Font Grotesk Streamline

Fat Font Grotesk Streamline font

a stout font with the streamline art deco visual