font_foundry: Intellecta Design

Streamline Deco Square

Streamline Deco Square font

a fifities style font

Littler Serifada

Littler Serifada font

a bold sans serif family with many variants


Peloponeso font

Note: The Frame style is no longer available due its complexity and the resulting memory and performance issues.

Pirates De Luxe

Pirates De Luxe font

Dingbats based on authentical and historical pirate’s flags and other devices in your universe.

Rough Fleurons Calligraphic

Rough Fleurons Calligraphic font

A dingbat collection of various border and flourish like elements drawn with a calligraphic touch.


Fofucha font

GP Estanho

GP Estanho font

GP I Am A Worm!

GP I Am A Worm! font


Ikewund font

Ikewund is a font with a peculiar creepy feeling. Great for header designs.

Like Gutemberg Caps

Like Gutemberg Caps font