font_foundry: Intellecta Design

Gans Royality

Gans Royality font

See also other font families inspired by Gans’ original typefaces: Gans Tipo Adorno, Gans Lath Modern, Gans Titular Adornada, Gans Ibarra, Gans Antigua, Gans Antigua Manuscrito, Gans Fulgor, Gans Radio Lumina, Gans Carmem Adornada,...


Gotische font

Flower Jars

Flower Jars font


Cadels font

Cadels are a family of fonts inspired in the medieval “cadel” style fo blackletters


Catania font

Note: The Lined and Shadow styles are no longer available due their complexity and the resulting memory and performance issues.


Engel font

Engel is a revival of a classic wood type font, in a large array of variations in the family.


Floresco font

Note: The Lined style is no longer available due its complexity and the resulting memory and performance issues.


AltDeutsch font