
Tacky Shoes

Tacky Shoes font

May I present to you: Tacky Shoes. Actually there’s nothing tacky here – just liked the sound of that 🙂 Just like the letters may look quite straight-forward, but here and there the lines...

Tasty Joke

Tasty Joke font

Tasty Joke was made with a slightly bulgy pen, and by using a loose touch.The result: two fine kinds of naive and lively letters. Combine the Regular and Line versions for cool results.

Thick Fun

Thick Fun font

This is not a brush font!This is an imitation of brushstrokes, done by pen. But I guess you’ve already noticed that – the brushstrokes are way too obvious, to have been made by brush....

Lucky Days

Lucky Days font

This is your Lucky Day, and if you are really lucky…it could turn into Lucky Days! :)Just go ahead and type with Lucky Days, it has 6 different versions of each letter…and they are...

Pass This On

Pass This On font

Pass This On comes with 5 different layers to make cool effects, and every layer has 5 different versions of each letter that automatically cycles as you type. Besides that, Pass This On comes...

Beach Fool

Beach Fool font

People might consider me a fool – they might even consider me a fool on the beach…because I take a swim in the ocean, even in the wintertime!Beach Fool is a simple but yet...

Bloody Charm

Bloody Charm font

Is it blood, melted ice, water or something slimy? Choose yourself, because Bloody Charm can be used for all purposed that needs something either scary or melting. I’ve added two versions: Regular and Drips....

Bike Power

Bike Power font

I love my bike, and I couldn’t dream of not using it on a daily basis – I use my bike in rain, sun, snow, and windy days…all year, in other words!This font is...

Beat Fool

Beat Fool font

Beat Fool is my latest layered font. I love making layered fonts, because the possibilities are almost endless! Play around with transparency and your favourite colorschemes and patterns to create awesome effects!Beat Fool comes...

Beat Boy

Beat Boy font

Searching for some company? Beat Boy is ready to take action – He wants to put that beat to your designs. I am not sure which category Beat Boy fits in…is it graffiti? Comicbook...