
Architype Bayer-Type

Architype Bayer-Type font

Architype Universal is a collection of avant-garde typefaces deriving mainly from the work of artists/designers of the inter-war years, whose ideals underpin the design philosophies of the modernist movement in Europe. Their ‘universal’, ‘single…

Architype Bill

Architype Bill font

Architype Universal is a collection of avant-garde typefaces deriving mainly from the work of artists/designers of the inter-war years, whose ideals underpin the design philosophies of the modernist movement in Europe. Their ‘universal’, ‘single…

Architype Catalogue Solid

Architype Catalogue Solid font

Architype Crouwel is a collection of typefaces created in collaboration with Wim Crouwel, following his agreement with The Foundry, to recreate his experimental alphabets as digital fonts. Crouwel’s most recognized work was for the...

Architype Fodor

Architype Fodor font

Architype Crouwel is a collection of typefaces created in collaboration with Wim Crouwel, following his agreement with The Foundry, to recreate his experimental alphabets as digital fonts. Crouwel’s most recognized work was for the...

Architype Ingenieur

Architype Ingenieur font

Architype Ingenieur was inspired by Wim Crouwel’s late 1950s exhibition catalogues and posters, for which he had created a few geometrically constructed, simplified letterforms. In the 1960 Venice Biennale Dutch entry poster, he drew...

Architype Renner

Architype Renner font

The geometry of Paul Renner’s sans letterforms was tempered by optical correction to follow earlier typeface proportions, with capitals close to old-style forms, yet still retaining the spirit of the New Typography. His early...

Architype Stedelijk

Architype Stedelijk font

Architype Crouwel is a collection of typefaces created in collaboration with Wim Crouwel, following his agreement with The Foundry, to recreate his experimental alphabets as digital fonts. Crouwel’s most recognized work was for the...


Gambado font

‘Bounced’ is the technical (!) term for a higgledy-piggledy style of lettering in which characters are shaken up by a combination of rotation and vertical displacement from the presumed norm of upright stance on...

Goodchild Pro

Goodchild Pro font

Goodchild Pro is a pragmatic text face, equipped for sophisticated academic typography. The face has a large x-height, as there is little point in adding to the stock of rangy “book” Jensons. Despite this...


Phiz font

Phiz is a diverse suite of 28 decorative fonts based on Figgins Sans Extra Bold. Classic (10 fonts), Rounded (7 fonts), Rough (4 fonts) and Particles (7 fonts). The Rough and Particles styles emerge...