

Seagull font


Gumball font

We didn’t make this font because we thought the letters were pretty. We didn’t make this font to look cool. In fact we’re ashamed we made this font, and we wish we never had...


Rhomus font

A Blocky face with a slight hint of angularity. The Omnilots are a free addition to the set.


Reluxed font

Originally completed in 2002, this font was lost in a hard disk failure. A later perusal of old disks unearthed an early version and this set was created from that.


Caluminy font

Originally created in 2003, this font was archived awaiting a decision whether to complete it or delete it. I finally decided to finish it.


Sunwind font

Sunwind is not really made to write long copy. It is a font for shopsigns and short sentences that need that hot, sunny and windy touch. And that is how I got around to...


Schadow font


Romana font

Ribbon 131

Ribbon 131 font

Donna Bodoni

Donna Bodoni font

DonnaBodoni was inspired by David Farey. He once wrote, somebody should honor the widow of Giambattista Bodoni the brave Signora Paola Margherita Dall ‘Aglio for her effort to have the Manuale tipografico di Giambattista...