Daily Archive: October 15, 2012

Dynamo Magician

Dynamo Magician font

Origionally created to pay homage to the greatest living magician, Steven Frayne if you have not yet witnessed this modern day genius then check out his website @ http://www.dynamoworld.com/ and on facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/dynamomagician/...

Olympiad XXX

Olympiad XXX font

Olympiad XXX font. In the UK we will celebrate the 30th Summer Olympic Games this font has been created to help celebrate both the Summer and Winter Games from 1932-2012 and beyond, there were...

I Am Sherlocked

I Am Sherlocked font

I Am Sherlocked font. Created to pay homage to the excellent BBC series SHERLOCK….. Need I say any more !

Garfield the Cat

Garfield the Cat font

Garfield the Cat font. This font has NOW been classed as Donationware all proceeds will go directly to the Cat Protection (formerly Cats Protection League) @ http://www.cats.org.uk


Watchmen font

Watchmen font. This font has been created to look like the title font from the film of the same name for personal use only. Use the lowercase to start your name and the hyphen...

The X-Files

The X-Files font

The X-Files font. I have always wanted to create a real The X-Files fan-font based on the 9 season TV show, and the 2 feature films already released, so with the advent of the...

Registration Plate UK

Registration Plate UK font

Registration Plate UK font. Remember this is Shareware if you continue to use this font please donate $10 using the Donate button, for an OTF commercial license that includes the ability to generate complete...

Silent Witness

Silent Witness font

Silent Witness font. Created to pay homage to one of the best BBC Drama series aired on out TV screens. It began way back in 1994 with forensic pathologist, Dr. Sam Ryan, it continues...

Only Fools & Horses

Only Fools & Horses font

Only Fools & Horses font. Created to pay homage to the excellent BBC series ONLY FOOLS and HORSES….. font based on the 1982 title sequence with the peeling labels. Need I say any more...

Crimson Petal

Crimson Petal font

Crimson Petal font. FREE fan based font created to look like the title sequence of the Crimson Petal and the White.