Olympiad XXX

Olympiad XXX Font
Olympiad XXX font

Shareware - 1 font file



Character Mapspecimen sheetwaterfall
Olympiad XXX font
Olympiad XXX font
Olympiad XXX font

Olympiad XXX font.

In the UK we will celebrate the 30th Summer Olympic Games this font has been created to help celebrate both the Summer and Winter Games from 1932-2012 and beyond, there were no great logos before then so from 1896 Summer and 1932 Winter, in 1992 the Games split to run on separate four-year cycles in alternating even-numbered years, also in 1916, 1940 and 1944 the War prevented the four yearly rota.


Fan-Based FREE Fonts for Personal use, Shareware, Commercial and Donationware and Charity Fonts

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