Honey Combed
Donationware - 2 font files
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Honey Combed font
Originally created for the shear enjoyment of playing with the Hexagonal Honeycombed Shape and what I could do with it. I hope you all enjoy using it as much as I did creating it. Several individual letters like the K,I,X don’t offer themselves to the shape very well but when joined make the Honeycombed shape. This font is now classed as Donationware all proceeds will go directly to the American Beekeeping Federation Fund of your choice.
Friends of the Bee, with FREE car sticker @ http://www.abfnet.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=133 ; Honey Queen Fund Donation; Honey Defense Fund Donation; Legislative Fund Donation
Alternatively, you can donate directly to the Foundation for the Preservation of HoneyBee’s via their “Network For Good” donation account.